Saturday, April 7, 2007

Are you suffering from Tremor

It may be just normal this is called physiological
TREMOR ,it get exaggerated in anxiety states.Another common form of tremor is Beinign essential tremor.Essential tremor (sometimes called benign essential tremor) is the most common of the more than 20 types of tremor.The hands are most often affected but the head, voice, tongue, legs, and trunk may also be involved. Head tremor may be seen as a "yes-yes" or "no-no" motion. Onset is most common after age 40, although symptoms can appear at any age. Parkinsonian tremor is caused by damage to structures within the brain that control movement. The tremor is classically seen as a "pill-rolling" action of the hands but may also affect the chin, lips, legs, and trunk. Dystonic tremor occurs in individuals of all ages who are affected by dystonia, a movement disorder in which sustained involuntary muscle contractions cause twisting motions or painful postures or positions. The most commonly used drug for benign essential tremor is propanalol.IT should not be used in patients with bronchial asthma.Parkinsons tremor do not respond to propanalol.Alcohol reduces benign essential tremor.But it is not a good idea to have alcohol to alleviate tremor

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Vancouver, BC, Canada
Specialist in Internal medicine(post Graduation) and subspecialised in Neurology Disclaimer:This web site is meant for informative purpose only.For any treament purpose you are requested to consult your doctor