Saturday, April 7, 2007

Vitamins are they protective against aging

Anti oxidants are molecules which prevent oxidative damage of tissues.Some of thevitamins
acts as antioxidants
Much research has recently focused on how antioxidant vitamins may reduce cardiovascular disease risk. Antioxidant vitamins — E, C and beta carotene (a form of vitamin A) — have potential health-promoting properties. Though the data are incomplete, So antioxidents may have a role in delaying aging,preventing heart disease,Treating parkinsonism.But the data are insufficient to prove defenite benefit
Vitamin B and C if taken in excess will be excreted in urine.They are generally safe except a small increase in incidence of renal stone formation if Vitamin c is taken in excess.But a normal diet with fish,meat and plenty of fresh vegetables are sufficient source for a normal adult.

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Vancouver, BC, Canada
Specialist in Internal medicine(post Graduation) and subspecialised in Neurology Disclaimer:This web site is meant for informative purpose only.For any treament purpose you are requested to consult your doctor