Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Botox in Neurology

You must be aware that botox is a toxin used for has wide spread use in beauty therapy otherwise called as cosmetology.this mainly acts by reducing ringles on face due to aging.It is also used to reduce swating in axilla.But more importantly it is useful in treating conditions like dystonia, blepharospasm and spasticity.These terms are pretyy complicated for common man but I should say they are not,if you watch people around you ypu must have seen people who blinks so often ,may be onside only repeatedly.This is a very common condition.patients with this condition are reluctant to face public for cosmetic reasons.Botox is the solution as most of the oral drugs do not work here.It is relatively free of side effects if used by a expert neurologist familiar in its use.An excess dose can cause drooping of eye lid.what botox actually does is paralysing the overactive muscle.The main poroblem with this form of treatment is that the effects wanes of easily in about 3-6months time.That means you will have to repeat the treatment in 3-6 months time.The drug is costly too.In canada it costs about 400 dollars.The vial once opened has to be used within a day as its potency is lost

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About Me

Vancouver, BC, Canada
Specialist in Internal medicine(post Graduation) and subspecialised in Neurology Disclaimer:This web site is meant for informative purpose only.For any treament purpose you are requested to consult your doctor