Thursday, April 5, 2007

Role of exercise in Back pain

Back pain can be due to various causes.A very common cause is disc diseases.This condition can be helped by exercise.Exercise is contraindicated in acute painful state.But once the pain is controlled rigular exercise to strengthen paraspinal muscle can help in preventing further recurrence.


Anonymous said...

expecting more

Anonymous said...

pls give details

Neurologist said...

Detais of exercise therapy
Stretching for back pain exercise

Strengthening for back pain exercise

Low-impact aerobic conditioning

Even patients with a very busy schedule should be able to maintain a moderate back pain exercise regimen that encompasses stretching, strengthening, and aerobic conditioning.

Stretching for back pain exercises. Almost every individual who has suffered from low back pain should stretch their hamstring muscles once or twice daily. , hamstring stretching exercises are best done at the same time every day so it becomes part of a person’s daily routine.

Strengthening for back pain exercise. To strengthen the back muscles, 15-20 minutes of dynamic lumbar stabilization
Low-impact aerobic conditioning. Low impact aerobics (such as walking, bicycling or swimming) should be done for 30-40 minutes three times weekly, on alternate days from the strengthening exercises.

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Vancouver, BC, Canada
Specialist in Internal medicine(post Graduation) and subspecialised in Neurology Disclaimer:This web site is meant for informative purpose only.For any treament purpose you are requested to consult your doctor